IWBI unveils WELL v2 to focus on human health and wellness

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 (Bernama) -- The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) has unveiled the WELL v2 pilot, a rating system to focus exclusively on the impacts of buildings on human health and wellness.

IWBI chief product officer, Rachel Gutter, in a statement said WELL v2, the next version of its pioneering WELL Building Standard, is their effort to consolidate the latest knowledge, leading research, new technology and advanced building practice to extend the benefits of WELL buildings to more people in more places.

The rating system enables project teams to pursue the interventions that matter most to their project and their community without sacrificing WELL’s comprehensive and evidence-based approach and commitment to performance verification, a statement said.

Asia has been a market leader for WELL global adoption under WELL v1. Today, there are 236 projects registered to pursue WELL, 18 of which have been WELL-certified. Total registered space in Asia is 58 million square feet with China being a top-performing country.

The refinements and enhancements to the rating system include a new feature set with fewer preconditions and weighted optimisations; a consolidation of multiple pilots into one WELL; new pathways to achieve intents, with a laser focus on feasibility for existing buildings and commercial interiors, and a new approach to performance verification, allowing projects to contract local providers.

IWBI chief executive officer and chairman, Rick Fedrizzi said: "WELL v2 is simpler, clearer, focused on the aspects that have the greatest impact, and designed for improved return across every metric." WELL v2 is informed by key lessons learned from the nearly 1,000 projects that are registered or certified in 33 countries across the world. Users can register for WELL v2 starting today.

More information on the rating system at https://v2.wellcertified.com.




Pet Vaccination, Public Awareness And Surveillance Key Towards Rabies-free Southeast Asia - Experts

KUCHING, Dec 11 (Bernama) -- The goal of making Southeast Asia free from human rabies can be achieved through a total understanding of the disease, how it can be prevented and responsible pet ownership among communities, say experts.





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