5 Foods To Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check

Blood sugar or also known as blood glucose, is sugar that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.

The source of this sugar is the food that we eat.

According to medicalnewstoday.com, our body regulates blood glucose levels so that they are neither too high nor too low. The blood's internal environment must remain stable for the body to function. This balance is known as homeostasis.

So what happens when your blood sugar is higher than normal?

Diabetes happens, according to president-elect of Health Care & Education at the American Diabetes Association Maggie Powers, PhD as quoted in webmd.com.

Carbohydrate foods like breads, cereals, rice, pasta, fruits, milk, and desserts can cause this rise, she said.

Here are five foods that can help control our blood sugar:

1. Raw, Cooked, or Roasted Vegetables

You can eat low carb vegetables such as mushrooms, onions, eggplant, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts and zucchini.

Eat them with low-fat dressings, hummus, guacamole, and salsa or roast them with different seasonings.

2. Low-calorie infused drinks

Liven up the good-old plain water with a cut of cucumber or lemon.

You can also make ice cubes with flavours in them.

According to Powers these drinks are not only low carb, drinking them can also fill you up and prevents cravings.

3.Melon or Berries

1 cup of melon or berries consists of only 15 grams of carbs.

Besides eating them on their own, you can mix the melon or berries with plain yogurt, or put them in ice cubes.

4. Go Protein!

Load on Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, and lean meats.

5. Fill up On Whole-grain, Higher-fibre Foods

This way, you will be less likely to make the wrong choice in the food that enters your body.

Try legumes like dried beans, peas, and lentils. You can even enjoy a black bean and corn salsa with your raw vegetables.

Source: webmd



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KUCHING, Dec 11 (Bernama) -- The goal of making Southeast Asia free from human rabies can be achieved through a total understanding of the disease, how it can be prevented and responsible pet ownership among communities, say experts.




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