COVID-19 : Pantai Hospital safe to visit

KUALA LUMPUR, March 3 -- Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (PHKL) is safe to visit and members of the public need not worry about a viral message which claimed the premises should be avoided following the detection of COVID-19 cases there.

PHKL’s Emergency Department senior resident medical officer Dr Mohd Ridzuan Abdul Razak said the hospital had taken the appropriate steps in accordance with guidelines from the Ministry of Health (MOH) in handling the COVID-19 infection in the country.

"We receive approximately 2,000 visitors (including in- and out-patients) a day. Each person will be screened at any of the hospital’s two entrances including the emergency department.

"Among the measures taken are inquiring on the travel history to the affected countries, checking of body temperature and the detection of symptoms in visitors," he told Bernama here today.

He said PHKL had been prepared to face the COVID-19 infection since January, and the hospital also had an Infection Control Committee that met almost daily to discuss the latest developments on the issue.

"PHKL also regularly refers to the World Health Organisation (WHO) portal on the developments surrounding COVID-19 worldwide and refers to any steps that can be taken," he said.

Dr Mohd Ridzuan Abdul Razak

Meanwhile, checks by Bernama at the hospital also found hand sanitisers placed at entrances and in front of elevators, besides bunting displaying information related to COVID-19.

Staff were also stationed at the hospital’s entrances to conduct screening while the lifts were sanitised every two hours.

Yesterday, PHKL, in a statement, said that the three COVID-19 positive cases (cases 24, 27 and 29) at the hospital were sent immediately to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (cases 24 and 27) and Sungai Buloh Hospital (case 29) for treatment and isolation.

On case 27, Dr Mohd Ridzuan said that the female trainee nurse had come into contact with case number 24 (Japanese woman) who was initially not diagnosed with COVID-19.

"So, the trainee nurse was not wearing personal protective equipment because it was not required at the time," he said, adding that PHKL was also actively sharing authentic information through its Facebook page to check the spread of fake news.

In a statement today, the MOH confirmed seven more COVID-19 positive cases involving locals, bringing the total to 36 cases so far.









Pet Vaccination, Public Awareness And Surveillance Key Towards Rabies-free Southeast Asia - Experts

KUCHING, Dec 11 (Bernama) -- The goal of making Southeast Asia free from human rabies can be achieved through a total understanding of the disease, how it can be prevented and responsible pet ownership among communities, say experts.





Pandangan rakyat Malaysia tentang peningkatan sasaran pemberian vaksin COVID-19 kepada 70 peratus.

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