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149 pesakit COVID-19 ditempatkan di dua PKRC di Kelantan

KOTA BHARU, 6 Jan -- Seramai 149 pesakit COVID-19 di Kelantan telah ditempatkan di dua Pusat Kuarantin dan Rawatan COVID-19 Berisiko Rendah (PKRC), setakat ini, kata Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Kelantan Datuk Dr Zaini Hussin hari ini.

Kelantanese urged to make face masks as daily wear

KOTA BHARU, Jan 6  -- Kelantanese have been urged to make the use of face masks and hand sanitisers as their ‘daily basic wear’ to prevent the spread of rising COVID-19 cases in the state.

Penduduk Kelantan digesa jadikan pelitup muka pakaian asas harian

KOTA BHARU, 6 Jan -- Penduduk di Kelantan digesa menjadikan pemakaian pelitup muka serta penggunaan cecair pensanitasi tangan sebagai “pakaian asas harian” bagi membendung penularan COVID-19 yang semakin meningkat di negeri itu.

Pharmaniaga dijangka jadi pengedar utama vaksin COVID-19 - AmInvest

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Jan -- AmInvestment Bank Bhd (AmInvest) percaya Pharmaniaga Bhd akan menjadi pengedar utama vaksin COVID-19 kepada hospital tempatan, dan akan melantik syarikat lain untuk membantu mengedarkan vaksin tersebut ke seluruh negara.

Pharmaniaga expected to be COVID-19 vaccine main distributor- Aminvest

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 6 -- AmInvestment Bank Bhd (AmInvest) believes that Pharmaniaga Bhd would be the main distributor of the COVID-19 vaccine to local hospitals, and may appoint other companies to help distribute the vaccine nationwide. 

First case of new coronavirus strain registered in Oman -- Ministry of Health

DOHA, Jan. 6 -- Omani medical workers have identified the first case of a new strain of coronavirus in a foreigner permanently residing in the Sultanate who has arrived from the UK, reported Sputnik news agency.

Doctor Staves Off COVID-19 Challenges During Pregnancy

By Soon Li Wei

KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) – In April last year six months after she tied the knot, Dr Yap Choon Fong learned she was pregnant.

On one hand, she was delighted that she was going to be a mother but, on the other, she was full of trepidation as she had just been transferred to the COVID-19 unit at the government health clinic in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, where she worked.

The 30-year-old medical officer’s fears were not unfounded as her job required her to take samples from persons under investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 testing purposes either at the clinic itself or at areas placed under Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

Doktor Hamil Cekal Berkhidmat Di Unit COVID-19 Semasa PKPB

Oleh Soon Li Wei

KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- "Disahkan hamil dan bakal menimang cahaya mata" menjadi impian kebanyakan wanita yang sudah bergelar isteri dan sudah tentunya sang suami turut berdebar menanti hari kelahiran bayi mereka.

Namun bagi Dr Yap Choon Fong, 30, yang berasal dari Taiping, Perak, perasaannya bercampur baur antara gembira dan risau apabila beliau disahkan mengandung pada bulan April lalu, iaitu enam bulan selepas mendirikan rumah tangga.

Apatah tidaknya, mengandung ketika pandemik COVID-19 sedang melanda di negara ini bukannya sesuatu perkara yang mudah, ditambah pula ketika itu beliau baru sahaja ditugaskan di Unit COVID-19, di sebuah klinik kesihatan di Bukit Mertajam.

Thailand orders additional 35 mil doses of COVID-19 vaccine

BANGKOK, Jan 5 -- Thailand has ordered an additional 35 million doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, bringing its total vaccine procurement from British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant to 61 million doses.

Human body is 'intelligent', vaccine still effective if COVID-19 virus mutates - expert

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 5  -- "If the COVID-19 virus mutates, God willing, the vaccine designed by scientists will still be effective," says an expert on whether it is necessary to create a new vaccine if the virus mutates.



Pet Vaccination, Public Awareness And Surveillance Key Towards Rabies-free Southeast Asia - Experts

KUCHING, Dec 11 (Bernama) -- The goal of making Southeast Asia free from human rabies can be achieved through a total understanding of the disease, how it can be prevented and responsible pet ownership among communities, say experts.





Pandangan rakyat Malaysia tentang peningkatan sasaran pemberian vaksin COVID-19 kepada 70 peratus.

UMSC: Pain Management

In Focus : UMSC Raya Open House 2018