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Vaksin mampu tangani mutasi virus COVID-19 - Pakar

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Jan -- “Sekiranya virus COVID-19 bermutasi, insya-Allah, vaksin yang dicorakkan oleh saintis masih lagi berkesan,” demikian menurut seorang pakar bagi menjawab persoalan sama ada perlu mencipta vaksin baharu sekiranya virus itu bermutasi.

COVID-19: Daily new cases back above 2,000 mark - Health DG

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 5 -- Malaysia has once again recorded more than 2,000 daily new cases of COVID-19 with 2,027 reported today, bringing the total in the country to date to 122,845.

COVID-19: Malaysia kembali catat lebih 2,000 kes positif baharu - KP Kesihatan

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Jan -- Malaysia kembali merekodkan lebih 2,000 kes harian baharu COVID-19 dengan 2,027 kes dilaporkan hari ini menjadikan jumlah kes positif di negara ini sebanyak 122,845 kes.

China to expand COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing capacity

BEIJING, Jan 5  -- The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has moved to facilitate corporate cooperation along industrial chains to accelerate the industrialisation of COVID-19 vaccines and expand production capacity to ensure the supply of vaccines, an official said Tuesday, reported Xinhua News Agency.

Private clinics in Penang to offer free COVID-19 vaccination services

GEORGE TOWN, Jan 4 -- About 100 private clinics under the Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society (PMPS) are ready to offer free COVID-19 vaccination services to the people in Penang.

Vaksin COVID-19 selamat, tiada kesan sampingan jangka panjang - MOSTI

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Jan -- Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) menegaskan  vaksin COVID-19 yang akan diguna pakai nanti tidak memberi kesan sampingan memudaratkan  kepada kesihatan untuk jangka masa panjang.   

Klinik swasta P.Pinang tawar khidmat suntikan vaksin COVID-19

GEORGE TOWN, 4 Jan -- Kira-kira 100 klinik swasta di bawah Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Swasta Pulau Pinang (PMPS) sedia menawarkan khidmat suntikan vaksin COVID-19 secara percuma kepada penduduk di negeri ini.

COVID-19 vaccine safe, no long-term side effects - MOSTI

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 4  -- The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has stressed that the COVID-19 vaccine will not cause long-term harmful side effects on people’s health.

MOH expects increase in COVID-19 positive cases  

KOTA TINGGI, Jan 2 -- The Ministry of Health is expecting an increase in COVID-19 positive cases following nationwide active tracing among foreign workers at construction sites and factories.

COVID-19: Vulnerable groups must continue to be protected - Dr Noor Hisham

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 31 -- The Ministry of Health (MoH) hopes that the community will continue to play a role in protecting the vulnerable in the fight against COVID-19 in 2021.



Pet Vaccination, Public Awareness And Surveillance Key Towards Rabies-free Southeast Asia - Experts

KUCHING, Dec 11 (Bernama) -- The goal of making Southeast Asia free from human rabies can be achieved through a total understanding of the disease, how it can be prevented and responsible pet ownership among communities, say experts.





Pandangan rakyat Malaysia tentang peningkatan sasaran pemberian vaksin COVID-19 kepada 70 peratus.

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In Focus : UMSC Raya Open House 2018